Our Solutions


Lighting Controls

Whether you are away from the house or
hosting a party at home or relaxing after a
long day, let these smart lights empathize…

Curtain Controls

You could have never imagined that one
can do so much with one’s curtains / shades.
They can happen to be your associates…

HVAC Controls

Imagine having an access to your house’s
heating and/or air conditioning from a single
interface. Determine your room’s ideal…


With security issues, across the world,
being on a rise over the last few years,
this We can ensure that you, your family…

Audio Video Integration

Does music run through your blood?
Is your family passionate about different
forms of music? With this I & A…

Energy Conservation

As the calls for energy saving become
more vociferous due to its escalating costs
and the recent manifestation of global warming,…